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Professional English

Professional English Business English Course

This career-focused course in the United Kingdom helps students to develop the wide range of language skills that are needed to succeed in the workplace. Students study 20 General English lessons and 10 Business English lessons per week. Scroll down for more information.
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Key Facts


Minimum Level B1


30 lessons per week


Lesson duration 45 minutes


One business or industry-focused trip per month


22.5 hours of lessons per week

Benefits of studying Business English course

  • 20 lessons of General English and 10 lessons of Business English
  • Develop your vocabulary and business-related terminology
  • Generates insight into the latest innovations and trends
  • Preparation for real-life situations and work environments
  • Discover and develop new working practices
  • A good mix of task-based learning and skill focus
  • One business or industry-focused visit per month
  • Develop understanding of how incubators and start-ups achieve success

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