School Safety Measures

The safety of our students and staff is our number one priority. To keep everyone safe in our UK schools we have implemented a range of Covid-19 safety measures.

Varied timetable

Staggering class arrivals, class breaks and reducing class timetables.

Increased hygiene facilities

On arrival hand washing facilities available for all students and staff.

Face coverings

Face mask to be worn by all students and staff.

Class sizes

Reducing class sizes allowing students to sit at desks 2 metres apart. Maximum 8 students per classroom.

Personalised facilities

Personalised stationery and fixed classrooms for students. Students will be assigned a classroom and desk for their study duration.

Hand Sanitiser

70% alcohol hand-sanitiser stations throughout the building

Social areas inaccessible

Social areas and areas where students congregate within the schools will be inaccessible. Social area, IT labs and kitchens will not be accessible to students.

Open doors

All doors to be kept open, reducing contact with doors and handles. Windows will also remain open increasing ventilation.

Toilet facilities

The toilet facilities will be reduced to single use and paper towels introduced to replace hand dryers to reduce contact.

Specialised cleaning

Specialised daily cleaning schedule with the use of disinfectants which kill the Covid-19 virus.


Increased signage and marked floors with safety and instructional tape.

Contingency plan

Contingencies if a student or staff member starts to show symptoms or reports feeling unwell.