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Reopening of our UK English Schools

We are excited to announce the reopening of our English Schools. Following government guidelines and with the implementation of COVID-19 safety measures our UK English schools will open to existing students from 15th June 2020.


Who can join the schools on 15th June?

The first students invited back into the schools for face-to-face teaching will be those students who remained in the UK during the school closure period. We feel a phased reopening of the school, starting with existing students, is the right thing to do for student well-being, after this extended period of social lockdown.


When can new international students join?

From Monday 8th June the UK government will be implementing a necessary self-isolation period of 14 days for any new arrivals into the UK. This is planned to last until 29th June but will be reviewed, and can be extended, every three weeks. Our plan is to open the school to new international students on 6th July.  Should these quarantine measures still be in place when we reopen the school, then all new students will have to self-isolate for 14 days before attending the school for face-to-face teaching.

International students in quarantine can attend our online learning programme via the Virtual Classroom. Following their quarantine period, students can join our face-to-face classes.


What are the safety measures in place?

Each of our schools has implemented a range of safety measures. These include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Staggered lesson times
    • Minimising congestion around the school during start, finish and break times
  • Reduced class sizes (maximum 8 students per classroom)
    • Allowing for adequate spacing between desks and no students sitting opposite each other
  • Increased hygiene provision
    • Hand sanitizing gel stations around the building and increased cleaning between sessions
    • Face coverings must be worn on school premises at all times
  • Reduced communal facilities
    • Students to bring own computer and stationery and no catering facilities available
  • Action plan in the event of an outbreak
    • Contingencies if a student or staff member starts to show symptoms or reports feeling unwell


Discover more about our safety measures here.


Can I still join online classes?

Yes, our online classes will continue to run as normal. All students who wish to join our Virtual Classroom will continue to have the option to do so. Online classes are a fantastic way to learn English from the comfort of your own home and at a time that suits you. Learn more about our online English courses here.

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London Greenwich

Study English in the historic and picturesque Royal Borough of Greenwich in London


Known as the “City of Dreaming Spires”, master English in this historic city of learning